Download Blackberry Javaloader .exe
What is jl_cmder? jl_cmder stands for javaloader commander. javaloader is a command line tool provided by blackberry. jl_cmder simplifies accessing the most commonly used javaloader commands. update 10/14/2011: v1.9.4 whats new in v1.9.4? updated javaloader.exe file so it works with os 7 devices.. Yeah, but that is a big download (80+ mb) for one small file. another method would be to download the blackberry java development environment component package (6.5 mb). but the quickest way is to grab jl_cmder (49.6-73 kb).. Jl_cmder javaloader utility : jl_cmder is a little batch script to manipulate javaloader. to install jl_cmder just extract the files and run install.cmd. or, download the single file installer package. the java loader can be used to easily display device info, display an event log, take a screenshot, wipe the handheld or reset it to factory.
Jl_cmder (javaloader)
In next page click regular or free download and wait certain amount of time (usually around 30 seconds) until download button will appead. 3. click it and that's it, you're done amigo! javaloader exe download will begin.. Javaloader.exe adalah sebuah file executetable berbasih console / dos yang dapat dijalankan dengan menggunakan parameter dan command/perintah software pada blackberry hampir seluruhnya bisa diatur dengan command melalui java loader untuk pemakaiannya :. I'm trying to take a screen shot of my 8830, and i've downloaded bbscreenshooter. however, it tells me i have to have javaloader.exe to run it..