Last week Thursday, while on a four hour mountain bike ride around Batiquitos Lagoon, I stumbled upon a lovely place to do yoga. Over the weekend I had no chance to go there again... but Tuesday afternoon I was able to get back down there with a broom and my yoga mat, covered in SPF75 sun screen. It was a wonderful place to do yoga.
Looking South towards the lagoon island shoal where Least Terns, Plovers, and other birds nest.
And it was highly effective, as my blood pressure dropped 15 points, both diastolic and systolic numbers. when I took it upon reaching home. I was a wimp and drove down there, and drove back up, the 400 foot elevation rise... as I had a 6pm con call I had to get to with Asia, and didnt want to be struggling to climb the hill on my bike... but int he future I hope to be biking down there.
In seated and supine poses, the Pacific is not visible, but it is while standing. The ocean breeze is nearly constant.
My thanks to Eagle Scout Todd Fritz, BSA Troop 750 who built the platform back in 2009, and who probably had no idea that anyone would use it as a place to do yoga. (Once the rocks and cigarette butts were swept off, the flat rock was very comfy)
My thanks also to Inez Yoder to whom the park bench was dedicated. I assume she played a pivotal role in helping to preserve the lagoon from commercial development (a simple Google search showed she wrote articles for the LA Times on the lagoon).
No thanks to the chronic smoker who doesnt understand that their wantonly discarded cigarette butts strewn all around the bench, probably as they sat on Inezs bench enjoying the beautiful view and ocean breeze, would not degrade and turn back into basic elements for at least another 2 to 5 years for the cellulose acetate filter internals (in ideal landfill conditions, not laying on the ground).
My thanks also to the graffiti artist who scribed "Be Yourself" on the bench... an interesting, individualistic message, probably scribed by a teenager who was sick of conforming.
Noel The Sims 4 Download C h r i s t m a s is nearly here! This is a fully decorated C h r i s t m a s Living room for your Sims to enjoy this year! There will be a following Kitchen/Dining room to go along with this same style and theme shortly. I hope you enjoy and many blessings to you and your loved ones! Download the ROOM (Tray Files) From the link provided in the Youtube video discription at the end of the page. Download all the Custom Content from the links under the following images. Enjoy and M e r r y C h r i s t m a s ! Custom Content Links: A ngela TSR - Contemporary Christmas Decorations Painting + Hanging Stockings Artrui MTS - Snow Wall Effect(s) 1-4 *Used on outside of windows* C hicklet - Moms Garage Jack Daniels Whiskey D earOn - Light Plugs and Switches dinhagamer - Jope littledeco painting 1 dreamteamsims - Wrapping Paper Bag dreamteamsims - Simbox Candle E dwardianed MTS - Chimeway & Daughters Saloon Pian...
Summertime Saga 18 for Android Summertime Saga is for 18+ adults. If you are not, quit the blogger. Summertime Saga is a high quality Dating Sim/Visual Novel game in development! The game is free as of now but if you pledge a small monthly fee you can have access to the latest playable version of Summertime Saga, watch DarkCookie work via his video stream, read or post Patreon-only feed on content progression and you get to help him financially which is greatly appreciated. Summertime Saga 0.14.5 Gameplay: Visual Novel story progression Dating sim stat and quest progression Enhanced experience through cut scenes and mini games Powered by Renpy Engine Planned features: 3 Main plot quests to complete Mini games that help you further progress in the game Active map to explore 50+ locations to visit 50+ characters to interact with Inventory system Stats, energy and monetary system Triggered hardcore adult scenes with options Potential universe expansions when the town development is compl...
Poppy The Sims 4 Download This room is decorated in cool blues and soft brown tones; mirrored furniture and romantic lighting give it a classy but inviting feel. Any Sim would enjoy to spend time in this room, add a Tv for extra entertainment or a desk for a study area! Find the ROOM (tray files) in the Youtube video discription at the end of the page and all Custom Content used from the links under the following images. Enjoy! Custom Content Links: A lexpilgrim - House Of Hackney Wallpapers with White Trim ArwenKaboom TSR - Lina Livingroom (Books + Game boxes + Deco Boxes) B lueHopper - Urban Jungle Cutaway Armchair Solids BuffSumm TSR - Bedroom Ladeya Deco Hands BuffSumm TSR - Bedroom Tulton Right + Left Curtains + Books BuffSumm TSR - Industry Toddler Book(s) BuffSumm TSR - Living Mila Book(s) BuffSumm TSR - Kids Dreamy Photoframe BuffSumm TSR - Industry Bedroom Book(s) C asaslindas - Recolors of Coralittsims Tea Planter Chicklet - Dinner With Sam ...